Kalow adds Services and Upgrades

← Back To News January 21, 2020

We are pleased to announce that Kalow Technologies has added the following services and upgrades:

Kalow Technologies continues to grow and integrate its’ over 30+ year custom contract manufacturing, engineering and sheet metal fabrication services, currently in North Clarendon, VT.  We are excited to add high quality powder coating – and – a brand new, state of the art sand blast process to our offerings.  As I write this, we are currently upgrading and renovating 86,000 sq. feet at 155 Seward Road in Rutland, VT.  For a well-executed move anticipated to take place over the next few months.

Powder Coating and Sand Blasting:
December 1, 2019 Kalow acquired R and B Powder Coating, Inc. currently operating in Poultney, VT.  We are excited to add them and their skill set to our team!  In the coming weeks, our plan is to move the power coating operation to our new facility located on Seward Road.  This transition will also add an additional spray booth for increased capacity, and a brand new, (9’w x 8’h x 20’l) sandblast booth.

Metal Fabrication Services
On the heels of relocating our powder coat operation, we will be moving our Precision Sheet Metal shop.  Already installed at this new location is a leading edge TRUMPF TruLaser 2030 fiber. Boasting 3000 watts of energy and the latest in fiber optic technology; this machine will be a great addition to our growing list of fabrication services.

Please call us if you have any questions or want to learn more about our recent additions, or our upcoming moves.


Paul Van Huis
Kalow Technologies, LLC.